Enter “Your Value” for each risk factor.  The results give you your risk for developing heart disease in the next ten years and compares that risk with the average risk for a person of your age and sex.

Risk Factor Your Answer Points Relative Risk
Gender: Male Female
Age: years
Family history of premature heart attack or stroke?
Blood Pressure Medication?
Systolic Blood Pressure:  mm Hg
Total Cholesterol:  mg/dl
hdl Cholesterol:  mg/dl

Total Points: 10 yr heart attack risk
average 10 yr risk (for others in your age group)
Adapted from the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). JAMA 2001; 285:2486-2497.  These results are considered accurate only for ages between 30 and 74.

The problem with the Framingham system is that it fails to explain up to 50% of heart disease morbidity and mortality. In addition, the Framingham system falsely identifies some individuals without heart disease as "high-risk", leading to unnecessary and premature interventions. What is needed is a simple and reliable test that will refine the Framingham risk in a way that allows us to identify those individuals with early heart disease so that appropriate interventions can be implemented before events occur.  That is exactly what the EBT heart scan does.  Now to see how an EBT heart scan will refine your 10 year heart disease risk click here:

Average Heart Scan Score for your Age & Sex
If Your EBT Heart Scan
Calcium Score is:
Percentage of individuals of your same age and sex with similar scores: Your 10 year risk of
heart disease is now:
1 - 80
81 - 400
Greater than 400

Who should consider getting a EBT Heart Scan?

  • Men over age 35
  • Women over age 45
  • Younger age if there is a history of premature heart disease in the family.
  • Current or Former Smoker
  • Diabetic
  • Elevated Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Overweight

All individuals being considered for conventional coronary angiography as a result of either symptoms (chest pain or angina) or positive or inconclusive exercise (treadmill) testing.

Individuals who have had bypass surgery, angioplasty or atherectomy, and need a re-evaluation of the condition of the revascularization(s) (bypass graft or stent patency).

Individuals who have had bypass surgery, angioplasty or atherectomy, and are experiencing new symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.).

All Individuals with an unexplained cardiomyopathy

For localization of the coronary sinus prior to pacemaker placement.

Other indicators: Evaluation of Congenital Heart Disease, annual follow-up of patients after heart transplant, Coronary vein assessment, pacemaker placement.